Cîteaux – Commentarii cistercienses

To our Readers:

We are currently putting past issues of Cîteaux on the web and need your help. If you have published an article, communicatio, book review, photo or anything else in Cîteaux since 1950, please contact us immediately IF YOU ARE OPPOSED to the publication of your contribution:  


Thank you,

The Editorial Board


Cîteaux – Commentarii cistercienses  is an international peer-reviewed journal which provides the most up-to-date historical research in all areas of Cistercian history, including literature, art, architecture, archaeology, economy, liturgy, manuscripts & books, music, doctrine, law…  Each year subscribers receive approximately 400 octavo pages, usually in two double fascicles.

All research is original and exclusive. To ensure that articles are authoritative and of the highest scholarly standards, they are peer-reviewed by the editorial board and, where necessary, by outside experts.

Cîteaux publishes primarily in French, English and German, and occasionally in other western European languages. Each article is followed by brief summaries in French, English and German. Numerous articles result from sessions organized by Cîteaux at the International Medieval Congress, held each year at the University of Leeds (UK).

Short articles (Communicationes) may describe work-in-progress, report on excavations, summarize Cistercian colloquia and scholarly conferences, or announce current research. The journal also publishes book reviews of important scholarly works on all aspects of the Cistercian tradition.

Cîteaux is printed by Peeters in Leuven, Belgium.